While driving a vehicle on the road, we sometimes feel stress, anxiety, and fear. In such circumstances, a person’s soul gets numb. You may lose the ability to think clearly. Looking at a large scale, people who drive daily must get this feeling. The trucking industry is not a very pleasant or happy place. There is a highly unhealthy demand for doing work all the time. Truck drivers usually suffer from numerous mental issues. On top of that, they barely get enough time to rest. With all of this, they have to drive long distances with minimum energy.

Numerous companies take care of the truck drivers’ well-being. However, most of them only focus on the driver’s physical health.

Risk Factors Causing Accidents

Research on the trucking industry in the USA collected data from more than 300 truck drivers. It unleashes the worst mental health practices in this industry. The age of drivers was in-between 23 to 70. A questionnaire was given to them that helps analyze mental health. The results were shocking.

These truck drivers had various mental health issues. Loneliness is on top of that with 27%. It is followed by depression, at 26%, and sleep disturbances are 20% common. Anxiety and emotional problems are also part of the mental health problems from which truck drivers suffer.

  • Accidents can also happen due to the mental disorders of a truck driver.  PTSD can also influence the driving skills of truck drivers.  This can eventually lead to getting into accidents.
  • Due to lack of sleep, a person might doze off. Often they aren’t even mindful of their surroundings. The same thing happens with truck drivers too.  Due to lack of sleep, they can get into dangerous accidents.
  • Newbies often face anxiety while being at a job.  There are chances of getting into an accident if they don’t calm their nerves down.
  • Anger issues and behavioral disorders are also risky in this field.  A truck driver angry with their boss or wife might not focus on driving.  Thus, they can get into serious accidents.

Even after all of these, giving therapy to a truck driver after getting into an accident is extremely important. Most companies don’t support this. Due to this, the mental health of a person declines. Sometimes they aren’t able to get back to work anymore.

Pressure Of Driving

Driving for a long time is known as a long-haul driver. However, driving for shorter distances is named short-haul driver. Both drivers experience different types of risks, working conditions, and demands. That’s why they face different types of problems. The way they resolve these issues is different. Long haul drivers.

Long haul drivers have poor nutrition. Moreover, they spend more time alone at work. The working period is extremely long, and the pay is not as high. The hygiene patterns of long-haul drivers are also worse. They also stay away from their family for a longer time. This can also put a toll on their mental health.

  • Short-haul drivers

Most studies are done on long-haul drivers.  Normally short-haul drivers get emotional support from their family and loved ones.  However, there are still some mental issues they can face. These drivers might have to face constant heavy traffic.  It can also lead to anxieties with heavy traffic.  Delivering parcels at a time can also be worrisome.  

Mental Health Disorders

There is a huge demand for drivers in the truck driving industry.  However, at the same time, getting this job is not as easy as you think.  The drivers are competing with each other for their position all the time.  That creates toxicity and negativity in the mind.  Truck drivers can face numerous mental disorders if they don’t keep checks and balances in their daily lives.  Let’s learn more about it.

  1. Depression

It is one of the most common mental disorders seen in truck drivers.  Several situations and factors increase the depression in the trucking industry.  However, the main reasons are fatigue, poor sleeping habits, and other job-related anxieties.  To get rid of this, they often try even more negative things.  Some truck drivers usually become addicted to alcohol.  They consider it as a coping mechanism.

  1. Anxiety

Anxiety is not as common as depression in truck drivers.  However, still, some truck drivers face this issue.  Those who are new at the job are more likely to have anxiety.  Experienced drivers can also face such situations and even anxiety attacks.  The triggers that are observed are usually low self-esteem.  Moreover, loading heavy material and handling a big vehicle; all these thoughts can overwhelm drivers to a great extent.

  1. Sleeping disorders

With the increased amount of truck companies in the industry, everyone is working hard to the point of burnout.  They eventually face negative emotions.  Moreover, drivers usually prefer doing overtime due to the low pay rate and time.  Night shifts after a long hectic day without any sleep are normal in the trucking industry.  

Due to not giving enough time to oneself, a person may face numerous behavioral issues.  A person can become a patient with numerous mental and personality disorders.  It’s all because of a lack of sleep.  As time goes by, the intensity of the disorder keeps increasing.  If a truck driver doesn’t seek help, mental health is bound to worsen.

  1. Chronic illness

Being far away from family and loved ones alone in a truck is not an easy job.  This job requires focus, and they can’t manage to lose sight of the road even for a second.  However, this job demands truck drivers to spend a large time sitting in the truck seat.  Due to a lack of socialization and human interaction, many mental disorders can manifest. These circumstances can lead to a person becoming a patient of numerous other mental disorders.

How To Cope With Them

Admitting and identifying mental health issues is a hard task.  Moreover, seeking help is also a crucial part. There are various things you can do to improve your mental health.  It will eventually make your performance better. 

  1. Mind training

Mental health is equally important as physical health. The mind can be trained to be better and improve.  This will help increase the focus of a person.  Jigsaw puzzles and hard games and new hobbies are good challenges. The brain will start processing things at a greater pace.

  1. Partner 

Loneliness can be extremely tough for truck drivers; that’s why assigning a partner can help improve the mental health of truck drivers.  Those drivers who have anger issues should especially be with a partner so they can manage rough situations without violence. Make sure to give a driving partner to everyone, both the short-haul and long-haul drivers.  By being with people, they can easily deal with chronic illness. 

Moreover, when a driver gets tired, an assigned partner can take the steering.  That way, the chances of drivers being exhausted and getting caught in accidents are lessened.

  1. Therapy

Mental health is important in keeping a person healthy.  By putting it aside, a person can face serious problems. Their work and personal life both get affected.  The trucking industry should keep check of the mental health of all the drivers. Giving them monthly therapy sessions can reduce the chances of illnesses.  Also, make a healthy relationship with drivers so they can comfortably seek help.  By implementing this, the risks of accidents can also be decreased and this healthy environment will bring more success to the industry.

  1. Driving schedule

Due to poor sleeping habits, a person can face serious issues.  Our mind and body need proper rest. After recharging with sleep, we can function properly.  Otherwise, we won’t be able to give our best. To compensate for these poor sleeping habits, drivers take pills to stay up or might resort to caffeine. This ultimately affects the health of drivers.

This problem can be solved by making proper driving plans. Don’t make drivers overwork and give them time to take plenty of rest along with catering to their special needs from time to time.  Allow them to have meal breaks and take rest when it’s needed.

  1. Relaxing

Ask drivers to start doing healthy activities that make them feel good.  Breathing techniques and meditation once a day can reduce the chances of becoming mentally ill.  Stretch the body by doing physical exercises, increasing stamina and willpower.  Listening to music and podcasts is also a healthy activity.  It will not only relax truck drivers but also increase their knowledge.  Making healthy habits will also give them a positive outlook on life.


A person must identify whether they are stressed out or happy at work.  On noticing any negative signs, immediately seek help from a professional.  Try talking to a loved one in your life.  Keep them close and seek help.  Besides this, sharing problems and letting it all out has a positive effect on the brain.  As an employee, it’s your right to seek help.  If you notice these signs in your colleagues, encourage them to seek help.


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